Friday, July 21, 2017

A Message from Ruzz - An Update

Hey, Guys,
     For those of you that have been keeping up with our YouTube channel and our videos, you may have noticed that we haven't been posting any after the ride videos as of late. I know that in our recent videos I keep mentioning that I've been very ill and that I haven't been able to go biking. As you know biking is a big part of my life and it has saddened me to have to take a break from it. Travis has taken up the mantel and has been biking a lot for the both of us, but as far as riding together, I have yet to be healthy enough to go on rides with him. I just wanted to take the time to explain everything in more detail. 
     First and foremost, I want you to know that yes, we are still active and aren't going anywhere. While I haven't been riding much due to my current health issues, Travis has been biking a lot. I was diagnosed with an illness that basically makes it so that my body rejects food and doesn't absorb the proper nutrients from what I eat. Basically my body has been eating itself from the inside out. I lost upwards of 30 pounds in 4 weeks. As you can imagine this has taken its toll not only on my physical body, but my emotional state as well. I am doing all I can to get better but the nature of this illness is aggressive and the doctors haven't been able to come up with a solution as to how to fix me. On the plus side, I have gotten a second opinion and am happy to tell you that I am on the mend and should be back into the swing of things at some point. The process is slow going and right now my focus is on taking life one day at a time. One meal at a time. 
     That being said, I want to say thank you to each and every person that has supported us thus far. Please keep me in your warm wishes and prayers. I don't plan to go out without a fight, and I just wanted you all to know where I am in the process. It means the world to me that we have you and we hope you continue to join us in our biking journey. 

- Ruzzel 

P. S. Update: Travis and I have a couple benefit rides we are planning on so stay tuned for more info on those :)

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