Tuesday, February 7, 2017

All In This Together - Thank You

     Hey, all. We just want to take the time to say thank you to each and every person that has taken the time to join us on our biking journey so far. In a little over two weeks we've had over 100 "likes" on our FaceBook page, and over 50 views on our first unboxing video on YouTube. Needless to say, it's been a whirlwind. 
     The idea that eventually grew to be 2 Guys With Bikes was born on the trail. As people, we've always wanted a way to do what we love while sharing the experiences we've made to help people on their own personal journey. 
      We noticed early on that there weren't many outlets for average people that had a true passion for biking. Most of what we found online were people that either owned bikes shops or were professional bikers. We pride ourselves on being neither. One of our founding principles has, and always will be doing what we love with the average person in mind. One constant thought we've always held is the belief that we're all in this together. 
     We hope that you take the time to share our social media outlets with people you know, and if you have a true passion for biking like we do, stay tuned. Feel free to communicate with us. We love telling and listening to stories and we'd love to hear yours! Here's to many more rides to come!

- Travis and Ruzzel

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